A passive shimming method for Halbach magnet based on magnetic sheet arrays.

Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997)(2022)

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Halbach magnet has great potential in nuclear magnetic resonance device, where the field homogeneity requirement puts heavy demands on high efficiencypassive shimming (PS) technique. Conventional PS involves a tedious iteration process of the magnetic block/sheet number and positions optimization. In this paper, we propose a PS method based on magnetic sheet arrays (MSAs) targeting at spherical harmonic basis up to the 3rd order including dedicated composition of Y(4Z2-X2-Y2), Z3 and X(4Z2-X2-Y2) (n = 3, m = -1,0,1) with cross terms to implement structural field compensation. With this approach, the homogeneity of a 0.5 T Halbach magnet was improved from the original 811 ppm to 4.7 ppm in a L15 mm × R2.5 mm water sample. Rough shimming in another 0.93 T Halbach magnet also improved the homogeneity from 1103 ppm to 125 ppm in R2.5 mm sphere. This work provides a flexible, convenient PS method based on MSAs for compact Halbach magnet, which can be applied in NMR spectrometers and other high homogeneity application circumstances.
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