Discordant vestibulo-ocular reflex function according to the frequency and mode of stimulation

Journal of Neurology(2022)

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This study aimed to determine the incidence, pattern, and etiology of dissociated vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) function according to the stimulus frequency in dizzy patients. We retrospectively evaluated the results of bithermal caloric tests and video-head impulse tests (vHITs) in 1022 patients with dizziness or vertigo between July 2016 and April 2021. Patients were classified into concordant group (normal or abnormal results on both tests) and discordant group (dissociated results between two tests). Of 1022 patients, discordant group had 159 (16%), comprising abnormal horizontal vHITs with normal caloric responses ( n = 36, 23%) and abnormal caloric tests with normal horizontal vHITs ( n = 123, 77%). The former group showed similar frequency of peripheral (44%) and central (42%) causes, and more common involvement of bilateral horizontal semicircular canals in central than peripheral causes (86.7 vs 37.5%, p = 0.005). The most common peripheral causes were Meniere’s disease and chronic vestibular neuritis, while central causes were variable, but mainly affecting the cerebellum. In the latter group, peripheral causes were common (67%), with the main etiologies being Meniere’s disease and vestibular neuritis, whereas central causes were found in only 5%. The degree of canal paresis did not differ significantly between patients with central and peripheral causes. Discordant VOR function according to the stimulus frequency was not uncommon in dizzy patients. Specific patterns of VOR dissociation according to the disease etiologies may offer insight into underlying pathophysiology.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex, Caloric test, Video head impulse test, Dissociation, Dizziness
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