Beware of spurious tracheo-bronchial stents

Indian Journal of Tuberculosis(2022)

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Objective To present a case of accidental sheath removal of tracheo-bronchial self-expandable metallic airway stent in a patient with endotracheal tumour. Methods Design: Case Report; Setting: Tertiary care hospital; Patient: One. Results A 65 years male, follow up case of endotracheal tumor with tracheo-bronchial self-expandable metallic stenting done presented with dry cough and difficulty in breathing since 8–10 days and suddenly coughed out thin whitish paper-like material 2 days back (which later proved as sheath of metallic stent). Direct laryngoscopy with flexible videobronchoscopy was done which showed tracheal stent well placed and intact, coughed out sheath couldn't be replaced back. Procedure was uneventful and patient was discharged in satisfactory condition and is doing well on regular follow up. Conclusion Self-expandable metallic airway stents (SEMAS) represents a standard method of airways stenting especially when employed for the management of malignant central airway obstruction. Despite the obvious stenting advantages, it may be complicated with stent migration and accidental removal or coughing out of stent especially in high tracheal stenosis. In our case, as a peculiar complication there was accidental removal of the tracheal stent sheath which couldn't be replaced back whereas stent was well in place and intact. We need to be beware of such spurious tracheo-bronchial stents.
Tracheo-bronchial SEMAS,Endotracheal tumor,Stent sheath
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