A Study of Single Statement Bugs Involving Dynamic Language Features

2022 IEEE/ACM 30th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC)(2022)

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Dynamic language features are widely available in programming languages to implement functionality that can adapt to multiple usage contexts, enabling reuse. Functionality such as data binding, object-relational mapping and user interface builders can be heavily dependent on these features. However, their use has risks and downsides as they affect the soundness of static analyses and techniques that rely on such analyses (such as bug detection and automated program repair). They can also make software more error-prone due to potential difficulties in understanding reflective code, loss of compile-time safety and incorrect API usage. In this paper, we set out to quantify some of the effects of using dynamic language features in Java programs - that is, the error-proneness of using those features with respect to a particular type of bug known as single statement bugs. By mining 2,024 GitHub projects, we found 139 single statement bug instances (falling under 10 different bug patterns), with the highest number of bugs belonging to three specific patterns: Wrong Function Name, Same Function More Args and Change Identifier Used. These results can help practitioners to quantify the risk of using dynamic techniques over alternatives (such as code generation). We hope this classification raises attention on choosing dynamic APIs that are likely to be error-prone, and provides developers a better understanding when designing bug detection tools for such feature.
Java dynamic language feature,reflection,program bugs,empirical study
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