Commercially Available Heart Rate Monitor Repurposed for Automatic Arrhythmia Detection with Snapshot Electrocardiographic Capability: A Pilot Validation


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The usefulness of opportunistic arrhythmia screening strategies, using an electrocardiogram (ECG) or other methods for random "snapshot" assessments is limited by the unexpected and occasional nature of arrhythmias, leading to a high rate of missed diagnosis. We have previously validated a cardiac monitoring system for AF detection pairing simple consumer-grade Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) heart rate (HR) sensors with a smartphone application (RITMIA (TM), Heart Sentinel srl, Italy). In the current study, we test a significant upgrade to the above-mentioned system, thanks to the technical capability of new HR sensors to run algorithms on the sensor itself and to acquire, and store on-board, single-lead ECG strips. We have reprogrammed an HR monitor intended for sports use (Movensense HR+) to run our proprietary RITMIA algorithm code in real-time, based on RR analysis, so that if any type of arrhythmia is detected, it triggers a brief retrospective recording of a single-lead ECG, providing tracings of the specific arrhythmia for later consultation. We report the initial data on the behavior, feasibility, and high diagnostic accuracy of this ultra-low weight customized device for standalone automatic arrhythmia detection and ECG recording, when several types of arrhythmias were simulated under different baseline conditions. Conclusions: The customized device was capable of detecting all types of simulated arrhythmias and correctly triggered a visually interpretable ECG tracing. Future human studies are needed to address real-life accuracy of this device.
cardiovascular prevention, heart failure, sports cardiology, digital cardiology, arrhythmia, cardiac monitoring, sensors, electrocardiogram
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