Adhesion Promotes Allergic Rhinitis CD4(+)IL4(+) T Cell Differentiation via ICAMI and E-Selectin


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Background: Neuroimmune communication plays an important role in allergic inflammation, but the neuroimmune regulation of allergic rhinitis remains unclear. Objective: The goal of this study was to investigate the role of CD4-positive T lymphocyte (CD4(+) T cells) adhesion to D-U87 neuron-like cells in mediating allergic rhinitis CD4(+) T cell differentiation. Methods: D-U87 neuron-like cells were derived from the human glioblastoma U87 cell line. CD4(+) T cells were isolated from human peripheral blood using a magnetic separation technique. In vitro coculture of D-U87 neuron-like cells and CD4(+) T cells was established. The number of adherent CD4(+) T cells was counted using a fluorescence microscope. The percentages of CD4(+) IFN gamma(+) and CD4(+) IL4(+) T cells and the levels of IFN gamma and IL4 cytokines in the supernatant were measured by flow cytometry. Results: The results showed that the number of adherent CD4(+) T cells in patients with allergic rhinitis was significantly higher than that in healthy controls. In allergic rhinitis, the percentage of CD4(+) IL4(+) T cells was significantly increased in the adherent group compared with that in the nonadherent group. Moreover, blocking ICAMI and E-selectin decreased the number of adherent CD4(+) T cells and the percentage of CD4(+)IL4(+) T cells in allergic rhinitis. Conclusion: Adhesion contributes to CD4(+)IL4(+) T cell differentiation in the in vitro coculture system of D-U87 neuron-like cells and allergic rhinitis CD4(+) T cells, which may provide new insights into therapeutic strategies for allergic rhinitis.
allergic rhinitis, CD4(+) t cells, cholinergic neurons, in vitro model, adhesion, ICAM-I, E-selectin, coculture, IFN gamma, IL4
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