Mapping the needs for trained lighting engineers in construction industry: the first outcomes from ecoslight skills alliances european project

Light & EngineeringIssue 06-2021(2021)

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The construction sector faces new challenges in order to provide smart, energy efficient and sustainable lighting environments for infrastructure, cities, buildings and the industry, in order to follow the 2050 low-carbon economy roadmap of the European Commission. In parallel, the Environmentally Conscious Smart Lighting (ECOSLIGHT) project aims to design training programs in lighting that will actively enhance employability and improve career prospects of lighting-related professionals, while also help businesses to find the right competences they need to increase their competitiveness. In this paper, by analysing critically the 438 collected answers though on-line ECOSLIGHT original developed questionnaire, we were able to understand clearly what are the needs of the sector for well-trained lighting professionals and indent the training needs for future lighting professionals who want find jobs in the sector. Further, we could establish standard "job-profiles" for two of the most popular need lighting professionals: lighting designers and lighting system engineers.
lighting engineering, training, smart lighting, employment needs, competence needs, construction and lighting industry, information communication technologies (ICTs)
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