Adaptive relaying for streaming erasure codes in a three node relay network


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This paper investigates adaptive streaming codes over a three-node relayed network. In this setting, a source node transmits a sequence of message packets to a destination through a relay. The source-to-relay and relay-to-destination links are unreliable and introduce at most $N_1$ and $N_2$ packet erasures, respectively. The destination node must recover each message packet within a strict delay constraint $T$. The paper presents achievable streaming codes for all feasible parameters $\{N_1, N_2, T\}$ that exploit the fact that the relay naturally observes the erasure pattern occurring in the link from source to relay, thus it can adapt its relaying strategy based on these observations. In a recent work, Fong et al. provide streaming codes featuring channel-state-independent relaying strategies. The codes proposed in this paper achieve rates higher than the ones proposed by Fong et al. whenever $N_2 > N_1$, and achieve the same rate when $N_2 = N_1$. The paper also presents an upper bound on the achievable rate that takes into account erasures in both links in order to bound the rate in the second link. The upper bound is shown to be tighter than a trivial bound that considers only the erasures in the second link.
adaptive relaying,node relaying,erasure codes,network
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