Justice on Turtle Island: Continuing the evolution of policing with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples in Canada

Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being(2016)

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The relationship between policing and Canada’s First Nations and Metis peoples has historically been strained, and these tensions continue trans-generationally. This social innovation paper explores the possibility of integrating two effective paradigms that might positively enhance the relationship between policing and First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada. The first is increased multi-sectoral collaboration around social issues, based on proven models such as Prince Albert Saskatchewan’s community mobilization initiative. The second is finding culturally sensitive alternatives to criminal courts by diverting cases into restorative justice processes that resonate more closely with Indigenous beliefs. These approaches would focus more on restoring community balance than pitting adversaries against one another in the mainstream criminal courts. Proposed for consideration is widening the restorative justice circle to include multi-sectoral resources to reduce the chances of re-offending and enhance conflict intervention and resolution.
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