Natural Image Stitching with Layered Warping Constraint

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia(2021)

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Stitching images with parallax for naturalness remains a challenging problem. This paper proposes an image stitching method which preserves the flatness of planes in the scene for a natural look. Our method formulates the alignment of images as the camera parameters and the normal vectors of planes. Given a set of feature point matches, a process of grouping points into different layers and rejecting outliers is introduced. According to the epipolar constraint of corresponding points in two images, the focal length and the pose change of the camera are recovered simultaneously. Then, the normal vectors are estimated from the point pairs. To achieve good alignment and guide the warping of images, the model is combined with the mesh deformation as a global similarity constraint. In addition, bundle adjustment is adopted to maintain the consistency for stitching multiple images. Experiment shows that the proposed approach outperforms some state-of-the-art warps on real-world scenes.
Image stitching,camera pose estimation,outlier rejection,flatness preserving,layered warping,mesh deformation
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