Ulcer Detection in Image Converted from Video Footage of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy

2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT)(2019)

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Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) becoming a very useful device for detecting diseases in the human digestive tract. Using WCE Physicians diagnose the different abnormalities such as ulcer, bleeding, polyps, chronic diarrhea, small intestinal cancer/tumor and Crohn's disease in the digestive tract in invasive way. Researchers are working for the development and improvement of the performance of WCE using software to detect these diseases at a messive rate of advancement automatically. This paper undergoes an advance methodology for automatically discovering ulcers in the image converted from WCE video footage. The method applied for numerous frames of capsule endoscopic images with logistic regression classifier in HSV color space and found effectiveness for the physicians. We obtained the result of 87.70% accuracy and 94.00% sensitivity which provides the evidence of the accuracy of this automated computer aided system.
CE images,Color threshold,GI tract,HSV Color space,Logistic regression classifier,Ulcer detection,Wireless capsule endoscopy
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