Cat Pelvic Fractures

Tanzania Veterinary Journal(2021)

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An eight-month-old, 2.7 kg, male, neutered mixed breed cat was presented at the Sokoine University of Agriculture Teaching Animal Hospital with a history of lameness involving hind limbs, lethargy, anorexia and failure to urinate or defecate. Abdominal palpation revealed a distended urinary bladder and firm faeces within the colon. Manipulation of the hips elicited pain and lower lumbar pain was also elicited on palpation. Radiographic examination revealed, an old fracture of the sacrum, lordosis of the lumbar spine with indented vertebral end plates, left sacroiliac joint subluxation and abnormally ventral angling of the ilial wings. Narrowing of the pelvic canal was also observed. A diagnosis of old fractures of the sacrum, left sacral iliac subluxation and narrowing of the pelvic canal was made based on the history, clinical and radiographic examination. Limitation of activity for three weeks was recommended to facilitate healing process. The owner reported the patient had a gradual recovery from lameness. Computed tomography would have provided further insight on the nature and severity of the fractures that the animal sustained. However, it was not done due to unavailability
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