Internet of Vehicles Based on TrustZone and Optimized RSA

Zhaoyang Wang,Min Zuo, Shuangshun Yao, Nijiati Aihemaiti

IOP conference series(2020)

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In recent years, the problem of data leakage in Internet of Things applications has become a major social issue, causing strong concern in all aspects. Especially for today's popular car networking technology, if the driving data and other information is stolen, it will not only expose personal privacy and personal information, but also can even harm life safety. At the same time, some manufacturers tamper with the collected vehicle data, in order to forge false vehicle performance and deceive consumers. In the light of the data security risks faced by current Internet of Vehicles applications, based on the TrustZone architecture, this paper builds a trusted execution environment, uses timestamp authentication technology, and introduces Rabin, Huffman coding and random components, respectively, from the perspective of improving encryption speed and reducing the size of ciphertext files, to optimize the traditional asymmetric RSA algorithm, thus to construct a secure data acquisition method of Internet of Vehicles based on TrustZone and optimized RSA, which realizes the information security of the data collection of the vehicle network data. The experimental environment was built based on raspberry PI 3B experimental board, and the test and comparative experiment were conducted. The experimental results show that the method can encrypt the vehicle driving data efficiently and safely, prevent the attacker from stealing and tampering with the data, and ensure the data security of the collecting terminal. The optimized RSA algorithm improves the encryption speed while ensuring security, and the ciphertext file is smaller, which is more suitable for the embedded environment with large data volume and limited hardware computing capacity.
IoT Security,Security Analysis
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