Application of microwave remote sensing polarimetric synthetic aperture radar for the new geological map of peatland distribution, humidity and its sample properties in Regency of Siak, Riau Province, Indonesia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2019)

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Siak Regency is one of the areas in Indonesia that has peat areas. Events of forest fires occurring in Indonesia caused by the dryness of peatland attracted the attention of many parties to pay attention to this land as a serious matter. From this study, we found variations in soil moisture conditions around 11 - 50%, associated with soil content, the limiting pH parameter in peatland is about 3 to 4. With the approach of remote sensing microwave technology and field validation measurements by counting humidity, sample properties, it is known that the character of the peatland as well as produce the latest geological map for the distribution of peat and the region contained within the Regency of Siak.
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