Islet Architecture Controls Synchronous β Cell Response to Glucose in the Intact Mouse Pancreas in vivo

Social Science Research Network(2020)

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The spatial architecture of the islets of Langerhans is hypothesized to facilitate synchronized insulin secretion between β cells, yet testing this in vivo in the intact pancreas is challenging. Robo βKO mice, in which the genes Robo1 and Robo2 are deleted selectively in β cells, provide a unique model of altered islet architecture without loss of β cell differentiation or islet damage from diabetes. Combining Robo βKO mice with intravital microscopy, we show here that Robo βKO islets lose synchronized intra-islet Ca2+ oscillations between β cells in vivo. We provide evidence that this loss is not due to a β cell-intrinsic function of Robo, loss of Connexin36 gap junctions, or changes in islet vascularization, suggesting that the islet architecture itself is required for synchronized Ca2+ oscillations. These results will have implications for understanding structure-function relationships in the islets during progression to diabetes as well as engineering islets from stem cells.
intact mouse pancreas,glucose,cell
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