e-Health Monitoring System for Senior Citizens based on LoRa Technology

2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)(2020)

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Information and communication technologies are increasingly present in our daily lives, from simple connections of local networks to far-reaching networks, whether based on the Internet or not. It is a fact that the world has never had so much information available or so many ways to produce it and ability to process it as nowadays. Turning it into knowledge and applying it at the service of communities has been the main challenge of the scientific community. In addition to this, the development of increasingly powerful systems and tools, which allow us to monitor the health status of people in real time, with special focus on the elderly, has led to significant changes in the functions that charities have in society, from the mere treatment of disabling diseases, to the prevention and monitoring of users, promoting their mobility with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of institutionalized people. Besides, we can directly associate this reality to the aged Portuguese society. The proposed system uses low-cost media and data processing, supported by LoRa (Long Range) technology, which engages various sensors (personal and residential), allowing authorized people to access the personal information of users, concerning their health.
IoT,LoRaWAN,Ambient Assisted Living,ICT,The Things Network
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