Advanced overlay target optimization and Integration in optical metrology

Eitan Hajaj, Diana Shaphirov, Eltsafon Ashwal,Chen Dror, Raviv Yohanan,Mark Ghinovker, Katya Gordon, Zephyr Liu,Xiaolei Liu, Isaac Salib

Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing XXXV(2021)

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In recent years, simulation-based analysis has become an integral phase in metrology targets design process, performances optimization wise to support on product overlay (OPO) reduction, accuracy and robustness to process variation. Moreover, a simulated unit (stack) represented by its optical and geometrical properties can be used as a mathematicalphysical object for obtaining a deeper understanding of the issues faced while an actual measurement performed. Location based stack calibration allows for both, symmetrical and asymmetrical process variation, a noticeable wafer signature to be attained. Using this information, one can analyze the target-design process-compatibility and asymmetry stability. Furthermore, simulated data can be used, combined with measured data, to establish a more exhaustive perceiving of the process characteristics and risks, hence maxims the measurement performances and stability of the process and target behavior. Likewise, simulation tools can equip integration teams with a more holistic apprehension and quantified data, prior or along real time measurements. In the paper we will cover the simulation theory, use-cases and results.
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