Development of Low Cost, Rapid Sampling Atmospheric Data Collection System: Part 2 - Sensor & System Integration

Andrew L. Ross,Victoria A. Natalie, James C. Brenner, Kyle T. Hickman,Jamey D. Jacob

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum(2021)

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As unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) evolve into a primary role for remote atmospheric sensing, there exists a need for a sensor system that can match the capabilities of the aircraft. Current commercially-available sensors that are lightweight enough to be installed on a UAS log Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity (TPH) data between 1-10 Hz. Of these systems, none feature a method of directly monitoring wind speed and direction save for 5 Hole Probe (5HP) sensors. To purchase such a probe costs in excess of $5,000. Explored in this paper is a low cost, custom sensor package that logs TPH data at 10 Hz while also featuring a 3D printed 5HP design that records wind speed and direction data at 150 Hz. The higher resolution of data captured allows for aircraft to traverse the target environment quicker while maintaining the same spatial resolution of data, allowing aircraft to either fly faster or gather data in higher wind conditions. The sensor has been flight tested and is currently undergoing calibration.
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