Measurements of Three-Phase Relative Permeability as a Function of Fluid Composition

Day 1 Mon, August 31, 2020(2020)

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Abstract Accurately modeling three-phase relative permeability remains a great challenge to reservoir engineers, in part because of a lack of experimental data to use when verifying model results. This is especially true when the fluids are changing composition, such as for miscible gas injection, when many simulator models have difficulty identifying the phases and sometimes do so incorrectly, causing inaccurate results or even crashing the simulator. Recently, there has been a shift away from labeling phases as simply "oil" and "gas", and instead labeling them according to a physical property that is continuous and tied to composition, such as density or the Gibbs free energy (GFE) of the fluid. In this research, we measure three-phase oil and gas relative permeability as a function of the fluid's GFE. We see from our results that composition changes can cause big shifts in the relative permeability curves, however, the relative permeability parameters are non-monotonic with respect to the Gibbs free energy. More experimental data will be needed to further study the GFE model and the nature of the composition effects.
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