Ovarian Cancer as Random Finding in Laparoscopy

Handbook of Research on Oncological and Endoscopical Dilemmas in Modern Gynecological Clinical PracticeAdvances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care(2021)

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Laparoscopy can be used for almost all gynecological procedures and is considered as the indicated method for specific procedures. This is especially true for adnexal surgery. Of course, while it is considered a method of choice for the treatment of benign ovarian tumors, the same does not apply to malignant ones, although treatment of ovarian cancer either at an early or even at a more advanced stage is feasible with laparoscopy. Finding malignancy, when not suspected, during laparoscopic treatment of an ovarian cyst is a situation raising several issues, depending on whether the identification of malignancy is intra- or post-operative, which involve inadequate surgical staging, peritoneal spread of cancer cells, intraoperative rupture of a malignant ovarian cystic tumor, and port site metastasis. This chapter analyzes the possible adverse events related to the use of laparoscopy in the treatment of adnexal masses considered as benign but turn out to be malignant, and how they can be mitigated with careful preoperative patient selection and with adequate surgical experience.
ovarian cancer,random finding
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