Chinese Skin Colour Preference of Different Genders

Lecture Notes in Electrical EngineeringAdvanced Graphic Communication, Printing and Packaging Technology(2020)

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Skin colour preference was widely studied. But limited research investigated the preferred skin colour of different genders. This study investigated the skin colour preference of the Chinese female and male based on the Leeds Liverpool skin colour database (LLSC). An facial image of Chinese female and an image of Chinese male were used in this study. Twenty-five skin colours with different skin whiteness and hue angle were rendered to these two images. A psychophysical experiment was carried out to determine the skin colour preference. Twenty-four observers were participated. The result shows that the gender of the observer have limited influence on the judgement of the skin colour preference. This study found that the preferred skin colour for different gender is different. The Chinese male with darker skin colour and Chinese female with whiter skin colour was preferred. Reddish skin colour were preferred for both genders.
Skin colour, Colour preference, Skin whiteness, Psychophysics experiment
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