Comparison of different suture materials for closing wounds in ovariohysterectomy

V. Tkachenko,P. Solonin, D. Tarnavskyi,T. Tkachenko, I. Gorkava

Naukovì dopovìdì Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu bìoresursiv ì prirodokoristuvannâ Ukraïni(2019)

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In the stitching midline laparotomy incision, it is necessary to ensure reliable support of their edges and walls until complete splicing and minimal disruption of microcirculation in the area of the suture stitches. It is caused by the presence of intra-abdominal pressure, abdominal muscle tone, poor blood supply of muscular aponeurosis, respectively, their longer regeneration. Currently, the so-called "cosmetic" sutures are often used to close aseptic incisions of abdominal cavity. The advantage of such sutures is the excellent appearance due to the more precise co-optation of the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. However, such sutures are not always suitable for closing the surgical wounds of the abdominal wall in small animals, in particular because of the features of knots tying. The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of various suture materials in performing ovariohysterectomy in cats. It was found that after ovariohysterectomy in cats for all research group’s wounds of the abdominal wall healed by primary intention. In the observation of operated cats the occurrence of postoperative hernias were not found. But it should be noted that at the closure of the surgical wound in cats of the first group,which was placed simple knot suture to the peritoneum with muscles and intracutaneous suture on the skin using Vicryl formed thinner elastic scars, which differed slightly on the skin surface. At palpation on the 7th day they were determined in the form of elastic consistency rollers with a thickness of 3.2-4.9 mm, on the 14th day - 2.0-3.4 mm with a gradual softening and reduction of thickness, which was much smaller than in cats of the second and third groups.
ovariohysterectomy,different suture materials,closing wounds
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