PR-consulting in the field of micro-fertilizer application for application of micro-fertilizers in agricultural production in Ukraine

Olena Lokutova, Olena Kashchenko

Problems of Innovation and Investment Development(2019)

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The subject of research is a mix of theoretical and practical aspects of the use of PR-consulting tools in the application of microfertilizers in agricultural practices. The purpose of the research is to identify, substantiate and enhance the approaches to the development of a set of PR consulting of tools as direction agricultural consulting to strategic promotion of the microfertilizers. The methodology. The article was written with the use of the following methods: critical analysis, abstraction, comparison, generalization, deduction and synthesis. This methodological approach makes it possible to consider and compare modern tools in the system of development and implementation of effective strategic PR-consulting. The results of the work. The features of PR-consulting in modern conditions were identified as an important component of the strategy of promoting these products in the Ukrainian market. Conclusions. The application of the tools described in the article will help to increase communication with final consumers, effectively to create PR-strategies and successfully to promote products in the market, positioning them according to current consumer needs.
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