WIP: Student and Faculty Experience with Blended Learning in a First-Year Chemistry for Engineers Course

Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)(2018)

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Abstract CHE 102, Chemistry for Engineers, is an introductory chemistry course taken by most engineering students at the University of Waterloo during their first term of study. In an effort to create time for more valuable instructor-student interaction and to allow students to explore course content at their own pace, some lecture sections piloted a blended learning model for approximately half the Fall 2016 term. Data from surveys administered throughout the term were combined with course grade data in an effort to compare and contrast student experience, satisfaction and performance between a blended learning and traditional lecture model of instruction. While the results from the Fall 2016 study are inconclusive due to challenges with survey administration and implementing the blended learning model, lessons were learned with respect to the readiness of the students for self-directed learning and the integration of the online and in-class components. We plan on continuing this study during the Fall 2017 term.
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