Investigation of in Vivo Roles of the C-terminal Tails of the Small Subunit (ββ′) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ribonucleotide Reductase

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2013)

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The small subunit (β2) of class Ia ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) houses a diferric tyrosyl cofactor (Fe2III-Y•) that initiates nucleotide reduction in the large subunit (α2) via a long range radical transfer (RT) pathway in the holo-(α2)m(β2)n complex. The C-terminal tails of β2 are predominantly responsible for interaction with α2, with a conserved tyrosine residue in the tail (Tyr356 in Escherichia coli NrdB) proposed to participate in cofactor assembly/maintenance and in RT. In the absence of structure of any holo-RNR, the role of the β tail in cluster assembly/maintenance and its predisposition within the holo-complex have remained unknown. In this study, we have taken advantage of the unusual heterodimeric nature of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNR small subunit (ββ′), of which only β contains a cofactor, to address both of these issues. We demonstrate that neither β-Tyr376 nor β′-Tyr323 (Tyr356 equivalent in NrdB) is required for cofactor assembly in vivo, in contrast to the previously proposed mechanism for E. coli cofactor maintenance and assembly in vitro. Furthermore, studies with reconstituted-ββ′ and an in vivo viability assay show that β-Tyr376 is essential for RT, whereas Tyr323 in β′ is not. Although the C-terminal tail of β′ is dispensable for cofactor formation and RT, it is essential for interactions with β and α to form the active holo-RNR. Together the results provide the first evidence of a directed orientation of the β and β′ C-terminal tails relative to α within the holoenzyme consistent with a docking model of the two subunits and argue against RT across the β β′ interface.
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