Folic acid deficiency increases sensitivity to DNA damage by glucose and methylglyoxal


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with elevated frequencies of micronuclei (MNi) and other DNA damage biomarkers. Interestingly, individuals with T2D are more likely to be deficient in micronutrients (folic acid, pyridoxal-phosphate, cobalamin) that play key roles in one-carbon metabolism and maintaining genomic integrity. Furthermore, it has recently been shown that deficiencies in these nutrients, in particular folic acid leaves cells susceptible to glucose-induced DNA damage. Therefore, we sought to investigate if the B lymphoblastoid WIL2-NS cell line cultured under folic acid-deficient conditions was more sensitive to DNA damage induced by glucose, or the reactive glycolytic byproduct methylglyoxal (MGO) and subsequent advanced glycation endproduct formation. Here, we show that only WIL2-NS cultured under folic acid-deficient conditions (23 nmol/l) experience an increase in MNi frequency when exposed to high concentrations of glucose (45 mmol/l) or MGO (100 mu mol/l). Furthermore, we showed aminoguanidine, a well-validated MGO and free radical scavenger was able to prevent further MNi formation in folic acid-deficient cells exposed to high glucose, which may be due to a reduction in MGO-induced oxidative stress. Interestingly, we also observed an increase in MGO and other dicarbonyl stress biomarkers in folic acid-deficient cells, irrespective of glucose concentrations. Overall, our evidence shows that folic acid-deficient WIL2-NS cells are more susceptible to glucose and/or MGO-induced MNi formation. These results suggest that individuals with T2D experiencing hyperglycemia and folic acid deficiency may be at higher risk of chromosomal instability.
nutrient interactions, micronuclei, glucose, folic acid, dicarbonyl stress, oxidative stress
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