Congenital dysfibrinogenemia in major surgery: A description of four cases and review of the literature


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Background: Congenital dysfibrinogenemia is characterized by qualitatively abnormal fibrinogens with resultant blood coagulation dysfunction. The clinical manifestations are high heterogeneity. Treatment for dysfibrinogenemia should be personalized. Here, we reported four congenital dysfibrinogenemia patients with the major surgery, in order to discuss the treatment and diagnosis of congenital dysfibrinogenemia.Methods: We reported four asymptomatic congenital dysfibrinogenemia patients with the major surgery (valve replacement, brain surgery, tumorectomy, hysterectomy) in our study. Routine coagulation tests, hepatorenal function and gene analysis, thrombelastogram were performed.Results: Four congenital dysfibrinogenemia patients all showed prolonged TT, low level of activity fibrinogen and normal fibrinogen antigen. Case1 showed a heterozygous mutation in exon 2 of the FGA, c.1223G > C, which turns the codon for residue A alpha Gly13 into Arg (p. Gly13Arg). DNA sequencing of case2 showed that a heterozygous mutation in exon 8 of the FGG (c.5877G > A) with being responsible for the Arg -> His substitution at position 301 of the gamma chain (p. Arg301His). Case3 and case 4 failed to do genetic testing for other reason. Four congenital dysfibrinogenemia patients were asymptomatic in the daily life. Personal and family history revealed no abnormal bleeding or thrombotic events. These four patients did not receive special treatment and management before surgery. They all had a smooth operation.Conclusions: Misdiagnosis and unnecessary infusion bring huge health risks to patients. Correct diagnosis of congenital dysfibrinogenemia is the key to avoid misdiagnosis or unnecessary infusion. Asymptomatic patients with congenital dysfibrinogenemia do not need cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen input before major surgery.
Congenital dysfibrinogenemia, Fibrinogen, Diagnosis, Treatment
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