Vitamin D and Multiple Health Outcomes: An Umbrella Review of Observational Studies, Randomized Controlled Trials, and Mendelian Randomization Studies


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Observational studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and Mendelian randomization (MR) studies have yielded inconsistent results on the associations of vitamin D concentrations with multiple health outcomes. In the present umbrella review we aimed to evaluate the effects of low vitamin D concentrations and vitamin D supplementation on multiple health outcomes. We summarized current evidence obtained from meta-analyses of observational studies that examined associations between vitamin D concentrations and multiple health outcomes, meta-analyses of RCTs that investigated the effect of vitamin D supplementation on multiple health outcomes, and MR studies that explored the causal associations of vitamin D concentrations with various diseases (international prospective register of systematic reviews PROSPERO registration number CRD42018091434). A total of 296 meta-analyses of observational studies comprising 111 unique outcomes, 139 meta-analyses of RCTs comprising 46 unique outcomes, and 73 MR studies comprising 43 unique outcomes were included in the present umbrella review. Twenty-eight disease outcomes were identified by both meta-analyses of observational studies and MR studies. Seventeen of these reported disease outcomes had consistent results, demonstrating that lower concentrations of vitamin D were associated with a higher risk for all-cause mortality, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, schizophrenia, and type 2 diabetes. The combinations of consistent evidence obtained by meta-analyses of observational studies and MR studies together with meta-analyses of RCTs showed that vitamin D supplementation was associated with a decreased risk for all-cause mortality but not associated with the risk for Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, schizophrenia, or type 2 diabetes. The results indicated that vitamin D supplementation is a promising strategy with long-term preventive effects on multiple chronic diseases and thus has the potential to decrease all-cause mortality. However, the current vitamin D supplementation strategy might not be an efficient intervention approach for these diseases, suggesting that new strategies are highly needed to improve the intervention outcomes. Statement of Significance: No previous systematic effort, to our knowledge, has been made to summarize and appraise evidence obtained in meta-analyses of observational studies, meta-analyses of RCTs, and MR studies on associations of vitamin D concentrations with a range of disease outcomes. This umbrella review takes advantage of the respective strengths of meta-analyses of observational studies, meta-analyses of RCTs, and MR studies by combining and comparing the findings to explore the potential importance of vitamin D in detail and to assess the implications for clinical practice and public health.
umbrella review, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D supplementation, meta-analysis, multiple health outcomes, observational studies, randomized controlled trials, Mendelian randomization studies
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