Dexamethasone Transiently Enhances Transgene Expression in the Liver When Administered at Late-Phase Post Long-Term Adeno-Associated Virus Transduction.


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Glucocorticoids have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions and have commonly been used for preventing liver toxicity after the systemic application of a high dose of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector for gene therapy. Clinical studies have reported that glucocorticoids have rescued factor IX (FIX) expression in patients with hemophilia B who showed a reduced FIX expression at 6 to 10 weeks post-AAV vector administration. In this study, we explored whether glucocorticoids could affect transgene expression in AAV targeted livers in animal models. When dexamethasone was applied before AAV9/FIX vector administration in the wild-type C57BL/6 mice, FIX expression was much higher than that of the control mice at any time point. More importantly, FIX expression transiently increased after dexamethasone was administered at week 6 or later post-AAV injection regardless of the various dexamethasone treatments applied. The transient enhancement in transgene expression was observed once there were one to several consecutive dexamethasone treatments completed. A similar result was also achieved in other wild-type BALB/c and hemophilia B mice that were treated with AAV9/FIX and dexamethasone. This mechanism study demonstrated that the administration of dexamethasone did not change either AAV genome copy number or transgene expression at the transcription level but transiently decreased interferon beta (IFN-β) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) expression in the livers of mice at a later time after AAV injection. Next, we studied the effect of dexamethasone on late transgene expression in hemophilia B dogs. Dexamethasone was administered 1 year after AAV9/FIX injection. Inconsistent with the results in mice, no significant change of FIX expression was observed in hemophilia B dogs. In summary, the results from this study indicate that dexamethasone may have various effects on transgene expression in AAV-transduced livers in different species, which provides valuable information about the rational application of dexamethasone in future clinical studies.
adeno-associated virus, liver transduction, glucocorticoid
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