An Isogeny-Based ID Protocol Using Structured Public Keys.


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Isogeny-based cryptography is known as one of the promising approaches to the emerging post-quantum public key cryptography. In cryptography, an IDentification (ID) protocol is a primitive that allows someone’s identity to be confirmed. We present an efficient variation of the isogeny-based interactive ID scheme used in the base form of the CSI-FiSh signature [ BKV19 ], which was initially proposed by Couveignes-Rostovtsev-Stolbunov [ Cou06 , RS06 ], to support a larger challenge space, and consequently achieve a better soundness error rate in each execution. To this end, we prolong the public key of the basic ID protocol with some well-formed elements that are generated by particular factors of the secret key. Due to the need for a well-formed (or structured) public key, the (secret and public) keys are generated by a trusted authority. Our analysis shows that, for a particular security parameter, by extending a public key of size 64B to 2.1 MB, the prover and verifier of our ID protocol can be more than 14 × faster than the basic ID protocol which has a binary challenge space, and moreover, the proof in our case will be about 13.5 × shorter. Using standard techniques, we also turn the presented ID protocol into a signature scheme that is as efficient as the state-of-the-art CSI-FiSh signature, and is existentially unforgeable under chosen message attacks in the (quantum) random oracle model. However, in our signature scheme, a verifier should get the public key of a signer from a trusted authority, which is standard in a wide range of current uses of signatures. Finally, we show how to eliminate the need for a trusted authority in our proposed ID protocol.
Isogeny-based cryptography, Identification protocols, Digital signatures, Quantum random oracle model
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