Quantitative computed tomography imaging-based classification of cement dust-exposed subjects with an artificial neural network technique.

Computers in biology and medicine(2021)

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Cement dust exposure is likely to affect the structural and functional alterations in segmental airways and parenchymal lungs. This study develops an artificial neural network (ANN) model for identifying cement dust-exposed (CDE) subjects using quantitative computed tomography-based airway structural and functional features. METHODS:We obtained the airway features in five central and five sub-grouped segmental regions and the lung features in five lobar regions and one total lung region from 311 CDE and 298 non-CDE (NCDE) subjects. The five-fold cross-validation method was adopted to train the following classification models:ANN, support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression (LR), and decision tree (DT). For all the classification models, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and genetic algorithm (GA) were applied for dimensional reduction and hyperparameterization, respectively. The ANN model without LDA was also optimized by the GA method to observe the effect of the dimensional reduction. RESULTS:The genetically optimized ANN model without the LDA method was the best in terms of the classification accuracy. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the GA-ANN model with four layers were greater than those of the other classification models (i.e., ANN, SVM, LR, and DT using LDA and GA methods) in the five-fold cross-validation. The average values of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for the five-fold cross-validation were 97.0%, 98.7%, and 98.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrated herein that a quantitative computed tomography-based ANN model could more effectively detect CDE subjects when compared to their counterpart models. By employing the model, the CDE subjects may be identified early for therapeutic intervention.
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