A two-sink based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Wireless Body Area Networks

DR.Mostafa Ghazizadeh Ahsaee, Hadis Nouraddini ShahAbadi


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Routing is one of the major challenges in designingwireless body area networks.Evolutionary-based Multihop Routing Protocol for wireless body area network is the first protocol offered for body surface networks. Some disadvantages of this protocol are as 1It uses a genetic algorithm to adjust program parameters, which has the disadvantage that it performs differently in two runs, has poor mathematical support, requires a lot of computation, a good answer But it may not find the optimal answer. 2Although the knots are behind the body, a sink is just in front of the body, so the knots in the body have to go a long way and spend more energy to communicate with the sink. To overcome these drawbacks, a two-sink based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is proposed for wireless body area networks. Instead of the genetic algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used, which has a simpler concept, faster convergence and easier implementation than the genetic algorithm and has a smaller population size. It also uses another sink behind the body, which makes most dorsal nodes use single step communication to reduce path loss and energy consumption.
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