Proposed Method of Ophthalmic Perimeter for Vision Field Testing

Neha Sridhar, H. S. Nishchitha, Neha C Shekar, Mr. B. R. Santhosh Kumar


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Perimeter is the device used to measure perimetry of the eye. The perimetry is the measurement of light sensitivity in the visual field by the detection of the presence of test targets on a defined background. Perimetry is also referred to as Visual field testing for macula region of the eye. The macula region of the eye gets worn out with age or other disorders. This is to be tested and corrected. The perimeter device used currently for testing is not easily available due its high cost and complexity. This paper tries to overcome the high cost and complexity. This is purely for testing and not correction of the defect in the macula region. The implementation is based on flashing a series of random light emitting diodes in the peripheral field vision area and the subject is made to concentrate on a single center source. The results are recorded based on the patient’s response for each eye. This perimeter is used to detect and evaluate pathologies which cause constriction in the peripheral vision or that effect both peripheral and central vision. IndexTerms – Ophthalmic Perimeter, Vision Field Testing, Perimeter.
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