Genetic study for improvement of various yield attributing traits in wheat

Muhammad Ilyas Khokhar, Kashif Javed,Ikram ul Haq, Naeem Akhtar,Imran Habib, Muhammad Jamshaid Anwar


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Present study was conducted in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha during the year 2015 -16 to calculate the heritability, heterosis and heterobeltiosis among 40 F1 hybrids developed from crossing diverse parents. Results showed that Millat-11×UAF1057 had the highest heritability for number of grains spike-1 (89.4%) followed by Seher-06 × Galaxy-13 (89.22%) for 1000-kernel weight and grain yield plant-1.The cross CIM-130 (2012-13) × Millat-11 showed the highest heterosis for peduncle length (74.49%). CIM-54 2012-13 × SA42/Shafaq showed high heterosis for number of spikes plant-1 (41.05%). The cross Galaxy-13 × Pb-11 showed high heterosis for number of spikelets spike-1 (27.88%).The cross (Galaxy-13 × UOS-540) showed high heterosis (55.23%) and heterobeltiosis (54.59%) for 1000-grain weight and 55.41% and 54.84% for number of grains spike-1 (27.88%). The cross (Inq-91/Prl/Fsd-08 × Lyp-73) showed high mid parent heterosis for grain yield plant-1 (89.27%) and over better parent (45.51%). The cross (Pb-11×CIM E-5 201213) showed high heterobeltiosis for number of grains per spike (54.84%) and 1000 grain weight (54.59%). The cross combination AARI-11 × Galaxy-13 showed highest negative heterobeltiosis for days to heading (-3.65). Pb-11 × Galaxy-13 showed highest negative heterobeltiosis for days to maturity (-4.74%). Pb-11×Millat-11 showed high positive value of heterobeltiosis for grain yield plant-1 (53.56%). It was concluded that crosses showing high heritability for yield attributing traits should be selected and moved further for varietal developmental procedure. with PGPR.
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