Design and testing of a free floating dual flap wave energy converter


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With a wide variety of wave energy device archetypes currently under consideration, it is a major challenge to ensure that research findings and methods are broadly applicable. In particular, the design and testing of wave energy control systems, a process which includes experimental design, empirical modeling, control design, and performance evaluation, is of interest. This goal motivated the redesign and testing of a floating dual flap wave energy converter. As summarized in this paper, the steps taken in the design, testing, and analysis of the device mirrored those previously demonstrated on a three-degree of freedom point absorber device. The method proposed does not require locking WEC degrees of freedom to develop an excitation model, and presents a more attainable system identification procedure for at-sea deployments. The results show that the methods employed work well for this dual flap device, lending additional support for the broad applicability of the design and testing methods applied here. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that these models are particularly useful for deducing areas of device design or controller implementation that can be reasonably improved to increase device power capture. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wave energy,Feedback control,System identi fication,Frequency domain
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