An Open-SSL Based Algorithmic Approach for Secure Data Transfer in Virtual Private Network


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Through any enterprise internal network when any remote or mobile users want to perform secure data transmission among different computers we need establish VPN connection to provide better security. The transmitted data within VPN network must be encrypted to ensure the security to protect illegal access, therefore data security of VPN network depends entirely on the strength of the adopted encryption algorithm. Open SSL is a general purpose cryptography library that provides an open source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. In this paper we propose a secure data transmission algorithm based on Open SSL and VPN. It combines both the characteristics of asymmetric password system and symmetric crypto-system, and provides safe transmission. This algorithm can help us to achieve the goal of fast and securely transmitting information. The sender and receiver programs of this algorithm mainly implement the digital envelope and signature for the transmitted data files. On the whole, the algorithm has such advantages as simple principle, higher security, and so on. Meanwhile it is more convenient to be implemented by hardware and software, better meeting design criteria of encryption algorithm.
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