10 Simple Rules for Innovative Dissemination of Research


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Research dissemination is undergoing a phase of transformation, in large driven by the power of new digitally-networked technologies and the movement beyond traditional, journal-based forms of communication. This has paralleled a greater push towards public engagement with science since the 1980s, with an emphasis on new forms of participation beyond scholarly audiences. Here, we take innovative dissemination to mean dissemination that goes beyond traditional venues for academic publishing in order to achieve more widespread research uptake and understanding.In this paper, we present ten steps that researchers can take in order to embrace these practices in their research activities. We address key aspects and challenges of the currently transforming scientific landscape, and propose recommendations and solutions addressing the needs of a variety of key stakeholders, including researchers, innovators, the general public, and research funding bodies. The purpose of this paper is to provide advice to these groups in order to facilitate their dissemination activities with a greater knowledge of the methods, tools and services at their disposal.
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