MALS SALT-NOT survey of MIR-selected powerful radio-bright AGN at 0


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We present results of an optical spectroscopic survey using SALT and NOT to build a WISE mid-infrared color based, dust-unbiased sample of powerful radio-bright ($>$200 mJy at 1.4 GHz) AGN for the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS). Our sample has 250 AGN (median $z=1.8$) showing emission lines, 26 with no emission lines, and 27 without optical counterparts. M1312-2026, the highest redshift object ($z=5.068$) in our sample, is the most radio-loud ($R$=$1.4\times 10^4$) AGN known at $z>5$. Overall, our sample is fainter ($\Delta i$=0.6 mag) and redder ($\Delta(g-i)$=0.2 mag) than radio-selected quasars, and representative of fainter quasar population detected in optical surveys. About 20% of the sources are narrow line AGN (NLAGN) $-$ 65% of these, at $z<0.5$ are galaxies without strong nuclear emission, and 10% at $z>1.9$, have emission line ratios similar to radio galaxies. The farthest NLAGN in our sample is M1513$-$2524 ($z_{em}=3.132$), and the largest (size$\sim$330 kpc) is M0909$-$3133 ($z_{em}=0.884$). We discuss in detail 110 AGN at $1.910^{25}$ WHz$^{-1}$) quasars. Using optical light-curves, radio polarization and $\gamma$-ray detections, we identify 7 high-probability BL Lacs. We also summarize the full MALS footprint to search for HI 21-cm and OH 18-cm lines at $z<2$.
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