qu an tph ] 10 O ct 2 01 1 Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime


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A state that an inertial observer in Minkowski space perceiv es to be the vacuum will appear to an accelerating observer to be a thermal ba th of radiation. We study the impact of this Davies-Fulling-Unruh noise on comm unication, particularly quantum communication from an inertial sender to an ac celerating observer and private communication between two inertial observers i n the presence of an accelerating eavesdropper. In both cases, we establish com pact, tractable formulas for the associated communication capacities assuming enco dings that allow a single excitation in one of a fixed number of modes per use of the co mmunications channel. Our contributions include a rigorous presentatio n of the general theory of the private quantum capacity as well as a detailed analysis o f the structure of these channels, including their group-theoretic properties and proof that they are conjugate degradable. Connections between the Unruh channel a d optical amplifiers are also discussed.
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