Prevalence and Overall Survival of Low Count Monoclonal B-Cell Lymphocytosis (LC-MBL): A Screening Study of 8,297 Individuals from the Mayo Clinic Biobank


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Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL) is one of the most common pre-malignant conditions and is characterized by a circulating population of clonal B-cells with an absolute clonal B-cell count < 5x10 9/L and no evidence of lymphadenopathy, organomegaly, or cytopenias. MBL can be classified by the immunophenotype: CLL-like MBL (CD5+, CD20dim), atypical MBL (CD5+, CD20+), or non-CLL-like MBL (CD5-, CD20+), as well as by the size of the clone (low-count or high-count) with low-count MBL (LC-MBL) defined as clonal B-cell <0.5x10 9/L or percent clonal B-cell count <85% out of total B-cell count. The prevalence of MBL varies depending on detection methods and population tested. In a Spanish screening study of 608 individuals, they identified 73 MBLs (12%) with CLL-like MBL; moreover, these authors also evaluated overall survival (OS) compared to 290 individuals without MBL and found a significantly shorter OS among these predominantly LC-MBLs. Here, we evaluate the prevalence and OS of LC-MBL in a large screening cohort of 8,297 individuals.
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