Functional CRISPR Screening Identifies Ptprg As a Driver of Migration and Adhesion in NSD2-E1099K ALL


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Background: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood cancer and frequently infiltrates the central nervous system (CNS). CNS-directed therapy is currently limited to intrathecal and systemic high-dose methotrexate, or less commonly craniospinal irradiation, both of which are associated with substantial neurotoxicity. A lack of mechanistic understanding of the mechanisms of CNS infiltration presents an obstacle for the development of more specific and less toxic therapeutic approaches. We previously showed that ALL cells with a specific mutation (E1099K) in the histone methyltransferase NSD2 have aggressive CNS tropism by not only infiltrating the leptomeninges but also the brain parenchyma in murine xenografts models. Analysis of cBioPortal data shows that NSD2-E1099K is associated with a higher rate of testicular involvement in ALL also suggesting more aggressive infiltration behavior of the tumor. Accordingly, using gene editing to revert mutant NSD2 back to wild-type, we also showed that NSD2-E1099K cells have an enhanced ability to migrate and adhere in vitro. RNA-seq data on four NSD2-E1099K cell lines revealed genes that may play a role in ALL brain infiltration. However, it remains unknown which of those upregulated genes could be potential therapeutic targets against CNS leukemia.
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