Weakly Supervised Framework for Cancer Region Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Whole-Slide Pathologic Images Based on Multiscale Attention Convolutional Neural Network

The American Journal of Pathology(2022)

引用 9|浏览14
Visual inspection of hepatocellular carcinoma cancer regions by experienced pathologists in whole-slide images (WSIs) is a challenging, labor-intensive, and time-consuming task because of the large scale and high resolution of WSIs. Therefore, a weakly supervised framework based on a multiscale attention convolutional neural network (MSAN-CNN) was introduced into this process. Herein, patch-based images with image-level normal/tumor annotation (rather than images with pixel-level annotation) were fed into a classification neural network. To further improve the performances of cancer region detection, multiscale attention was introduced into the classification neural network. A total of 100 cases were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas and divided into 70 training and 30 testing data sets that were fed into the MSAN-CNN framework. The experimental results showed that this framework significantly outperforms the single-scale detection method according to the area under the curve and accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity metrics. When compared with the diagnoses made by three pathologists, MSAN-CNN performed better than a junior- and an intermediate-level pathologist, and slightly worse than a senior pathologist. Furthermore, MSAN-CNN provided a very fast detection time compared with the pathologists. Therefore, a weakly supervised framework based on MSAN-CNN has great potential to assist pathologists in the fast and accurate detection of cancer regions of hepatocellular carcinoma on WSIs.
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