Functional Anatomy of the TDP-43 Redox Sensor


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TAR binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is an RNA binding protein that assists in the maturation, export and sub-cellular localization of mRNA. The carboxyl terminal 153 residues of TDP-43 are of low sequence complexity and allow for self-association of the protein in a manner leading to its phase separation from an aqueous environment. These interactions assist TDP-43 in forming cytoplasmic RNA granules involved in the transport of mRNA for localized translation. Self-association of the TDP-43 low complexity (LC) domain is facilitated by a region of twenty five residues that are of extreme evolutionary conservation. The molecular basis for self-adherence of the protein through this region has been illuminated by a combination of structural and biochemical studies, allowing definition of a morphologically specific cross-β structure predicted to be weakly assembled by main chain hydrogen bonds. In this study we have investigated the importance of individual, Pauling hydrogen bonds hypothesized to facilitate self-adherence of the TDP-43 LC domain. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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