Experimental production cross sections for synchrotron radiation induced L-series X-rays of Sn and Sb at energies across their L-i (i=1-3) absorption edges


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We have measured the X-ray production cross sections (XRPCS) for the L-p (p = l, alpha, eta, beta(1,3,4,6), beta(2,15), gamma(1,5), gamma(2,3,4)) emission lines of Sn and Sb using synchrotron induced mono-chromatic radiation tuned across their respective L-i (i = 1-3) sub-shell absorption edges covering the range 4.0 keV-5.0 keV. These measured XRPCS have been compared with the corresponding values calculated using the non-relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater model based L-i (i = 1-3) photoionization cross-sections, the Dirac-Fock model based X-ray emission rates and three sets of fluorescence and Coster-Kronig (CK) yields based on the Dirac-Hartree-Slater model, the semi-empirical values tabulated by Krause and recently reported experimental values. The present measured L-p XRPCS for both Sn and Sb at different investigated photon energies are found to be in good agreement with those calculated using the experimental photoionization cross sections, fluorescence and CK yields. Further, a good agreement observed between the present measured and calculated branching ratios for both Sn and Sb indicates the reliability of the Dirac-Fock model based X-ray emission rates. The Lp XRPCS and intensity ratios for Sn and Sb calculated using the experimental photoionization cross sections, the DF model based X-ray emission rates and the experimental fluorescence and CK yields are recommended for use in different applications.
synchrotron radiation,absorption edges,experimental production cross sections,x‐rays
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