Dyslipidemia: the association between risk and protective fac-tors in adolescence

Claudiana Donato Bauman, José Mansano Bauman,Joanilva Ribeiro Lopes, Rene Ferreira da Silva Junior, Victor Bruno da Silva,André Luiz Gomes Carneiro, Daniella Mota Mourão, Walter Luiz de Moura, Jaqueline Rodrigues Aguiar de Carvalho,Adélia Dayane Guimaraes Fonseca, Geraldo Magela Durães,Diego Dias de Araújo,Ricardo Otávio Maia Gusmão, Valdira Vieira de Oliveira, Carla Silvana de Oliveira e Silva

Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo(2024)

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Objective: Assessing risk and protective factors associated with dyslipidemia in adolescents. Materials and Methods: The study population comprised 77.833 schoolchildren of Montes Claros Country - MG, whereas the final sample comprised 635 adolescents (10 to 16 years old). Socio-demographic, biological, behavioral and family history variables were herein analyzed. Metabolic parameters encompassed total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein choles-terol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c). Results: The female sex (p-0.008) and the age groups 10-11 / 12-13 years (p-0.008 and p-0.035) presented changes related to mixed hyperlipidemia. Overweight was associated with changes in TG (p-0.000) and with low HDL-c (p-0.000). Family history of dyslipidemia showed association (p-0.016) with undesirable LDL-c. However, sexual maturation was associated as protective factor with the development of hyper-triglyceridemia (p-0.001), and with-low HDL-c in the female sex. Conclusion: The identification of frequencies and factors presented in the current research is a potential tool to help subsidizing the elaboration and implementation of public policies addressing the adoption of preventive measures and health promotion in adolescence.
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