The Domain "Social Processes" In The System Of Research Domain Criteria: Current State And Perspectives


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Social processes and their dysfunction, e.g. in autism spectrum disorders and psychotic disorders, have always been at the core of psychiatry. The last decades have led to impressive advances in our understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms and also in the way we study and analyze social processes. Since their establishment, the research domain criteria have provided a powerful framework of how to operationalize and subdivide complex social processes in a way that it closely aligns to underlying neurobiological substrates while still enabling clinical approaches. In this article we summarize and discuss the most important findings for each of the four fundamental constructs of the social processes domain (a) binding and attachment, (b) social communication, (c) perception and understanding of self and (d) perception and understanding of others. We highlight the clinical relevance of the insights generated by the field of social neurosciences and discuss the resulting increasing importance of transdiagnostic concepts in applied research. Finally, we showcase three innovative research methods that build on the accelerating technological advances of the last decade and which will increasingly enable the study of complex social interactions in more realistic and ecologically valid settings.
Social neurosciences, Social interaction, Perception and understanding, Transdiagnostics, Mobile sensor systems
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