Power System Zone Partitioning Based On Transmission Congestion Identification Using An Improved Spectral Clustering Algorithm


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The ever-expanding power system is developed into an interconnected pattern of power grids. Zone partitioning is an essential technique for the operation and management of such an interconnected power system. Owing to the transmission capacity limitation, transmission congestion may occur with a regional influence on power system. If transmission congestion is considered when the system is decomposed into several regions, the power consumption structure can be optimized and power system planning can be more reasonable. At the same time, power resources can be properly allocated and system safety can be improved. In this paper, we propose a power system zone partitioning method where the potential congested branches are identified and the spectral clustering algorithm is improved. We transform the zone partitioning problem into a graph segmentation problem by constructing an undirected weighted graph of power system where the similarities between buses are measured by the power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) corresponding to the potential congested branches. Zone partitioning results show that the locational marginal price (LMP) in the same zone is similar, which can represent regional price signals and provide regional auxiliary decisions.
power system, sensitivity, transmission congestion, spectral clustering, zone partitioning
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