The Effects of an Immersive Virtual Reality Application in First Person Point-of-View (IVRA-FPV) on The Learning and Generalized Performance of a Lumbar Puncture Medical Procedure


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Medical procedures require skilled reliability, precision, and efficiency. One way in which techniques could be taught to address these requirements is through immersive tutorials in virtual reality (VR), that employ a 3D video (filmed from the first-person point-of-view [FPV]), which is then displayed through an immersive VR application (IVRA-FPV). The present study assessed the pedagogical value of the IVRA-FPV training that taught participants how to implement a lumbar puncture. This procedure was recorded and the corresponding IVRA-FPV tutorial was produced. Medical users/learners ( N = 89) were subjected to a prospective randomized comparative study comprised of one group that was assigned to the traditional lecture ( n = 44) and the other group to the IVRA-FPV tutorial ( n = 45). Each participant was then evaluated as they demonstrated the technique on a mannequin to assess their applied learning skillset generalization. Participants that attended the traditional lecture exhibited better answers during oral examination ( p < 0.001). There was a trend with no significant difference regarding the evaluation of their applied learning skillset generalization ( p = 0.78 n/s). When evaluating the applied learning outcomes for implementing the lumbar puncture, the IVRA-FPV group performed the procedure more efficiently with less errors and in less time ( p < 0.01). These findings suggest that the IVRA-FPV training may increase the efficiency, by which a larger number of professionals can, in a short time-period, implement techniques reliably and correctly in real-world situations, without the need for expensive equipment.
Computer assisted instruction, Educational technology, Lumbar puncture, Medical education, Simulation training, Surgical training, Video-based learning, Virtual reality
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