Quality Of Service From The Center Of Diagnosis Of The Infertility And Genetic Diseases Of The Universidad De Los Andes

Lizbeth Rojas, Fatima Altuve, Marlyn Berrios


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The objective was to assess the quality of the Center of Diagnosis for Infertility and Genetic Diseases of the Universidad de Los Andes according to the perception and expectations of their users. The SERVQUAL model was used to know the perceptions and expectations of the users of the service, presented in its different dimensions: reliability, responsibility, security, tangible goods and empathy. A representative sample of users during the months of June, July, September and October of the year 2010 was evaluated and the results were statistically analyzed by t-Student, analysis of variance and least statistical difference. Statistical significance was set at p <= 0.05. All dimensions were satisfactory for the users with the exception of tangible goods, suggesting the need to improve the appearance of the equipment, physical facilities and information material from the Center. In general, the Centre meets the customers' expectations and perception about the quality of service was satisfactory.
perceptions, expectations, quality of service, model SERVQUAL
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