Using behavioral insights to incentivize cycling: Results from a field experiment

A. Ciccone,A. Fyhri, H. B. Sundfor

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization(2021)

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Motivating active transport is a health and environmental policy priority, and plays an important role in achieving the necessary shift toward a sustainable transport system. Financial incentives to promote cycling are used in many countries, but very few studies document causal effects. Using a randomized controlled trial in the field, we provide causal evidence of the effect of different types of economics incentives on cycling activity in Norway. Participants’ mobility is monitored through an innovative mobile app that registers travel behavior automatically. Results show that both a flat rate and a conditional lottery motivate people to cycle more. Compared to the control group, participants who received an economic incentive cycled 36% more and 18% more often. The conditional lottery appears to be an effective and economically efficient solution and the only treatment with a lasting effect after the incentives were removed.
Economic incentives,Field experiment,Randomized controlled trial,Cycling,Smart mobility,Sustainable transport
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